evolution aqua comer ball valves
Evolution Aqua Nexus Ball Valves
Code: 389
Evolution Aqua Nexus Double union ball valve made by Astore 3/4" 1.5" and 2" for imperial pressure pipe
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Evolution Aqua Double Nexus union ball valve made by Astore
Excellent quality ball valves.
Nexus waste valves for most 210 310 220 and 320 Filters
Please double check these are identical to you old ones if fitting to an older Nexus.
The threaded union is different  to each manufacturer of valves.
Check handle shape and colour also the pattern on the threaded union is indentical before ordering.
Suitable for Imperial pressure pipe.
1.5" and 2" can also be used with solvent waste using the correct valve sleeves, see separate listing
Evolution Aqua Double Nexus union ball valve made by Astore
Excellent quality ball valves.
Nexus waste valves for most 210 310 220 and 320 Filters
Please double check these are identical to you old ones if fitting to an older Nexus.
The threaded union is different  to each manufacturer of valves.
Check handle shape and colour also the pattern on the threaded union is indentical before ordering.
Suitable for Imperial pressure pipe.
1.5" and 2" can also be used with solvent waste using the correct valve sleeves, see separate listing
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