NT Labs Mediclay
Pure High Calcium Montmorillonite Clay
Clarifies water, enhances skin quality, stimulates appetite, controls buildup of waste & bacteria which cause ill health.
When to Use:
- Use as a weekly additive to re-mineralise pond water to control the build up of organic waste, bacteria and pollutants which cause bacterial infections and ill health. Mediclay stimulates the biological system in favour of beneficial bacteria helping to reduce algae. Mediclay will also “polish” the water resulting in amazing clarity to observe your fish.
Test your water quality first using test kits.
To improve water quality and clarity 100 grammes per 1000 gals or 4500 litres per week
To aid fish body damage or symptoms of ill health 200 grammes per 1000 gals or 4500 litres per week
Available in the following variations:
1.5kg bag , 5kg tub